1. Define operating system (MU AP-96)
An operating system is a set of program that controls, co-ordinates and supervises the activities of the computer hardware and software.
2. What is the role of an os?
An OS acts as an interface between the user and the computer. It acts as
The manager of the resources of the computer.
3. Write the functions of an OS(BU Ap-97)
(i) Memory Management.
(ii) Processor management.
(iii) Interrupt Handling.
(iv) Accounting.
(v) Automatic job sequencing.
(vi) Management and control of I/O devices
- What is the need for an OS?
A medium is needed to communicate between the user and the m/c. An
OS acts as a medium of interface
- What are the characteristics of an OS(MSU Ap-96)
(i) User friendly .
(ii) Keep track of the status of eaCH RESOURCE.
(iii) Allows sharing of resources(H/W and S/W).
(iv) Provides adequate security.
(v) Protection.
- What is a process?
A process is basically a program in execution. It is the unit of work in a
Modern operating system.
- What is meant by a process state?
When a process executes, it changes, its status. This is known as process s
- Wat are the various process states ?
The various process states are
(i) new
(ii) ready
(iii) running
(iv) suspended
(v) terminated
- How does a process differ from a job?(BDU Ap-96).
A process is an active entity with a program counter specifying the next instructions to execute and a set to associated resources, whereas a batch
System executes jobs.(which is a collection of processes).
- Differentiate program and a process?
A process is a program in execution(ie) A program is a passive entity,
Where as a process is an active entity.
- What is process control Block?
Each process is represented in the operating system by a process control
Block(PCB) also called a task control block.
- What is the function of a process control block?.
A (PCB) contains many pieces of information associated with a specific
Process. It serves as the repository for any information that may vary
From process to process.
- What are the information contained in a PCB?
A PCB contains pieces of information associated with a specific process,
(i) process state
(ii) program counter
(iii) CPU register
(iv) CPU scheduling information
(v) Memory management information
(vi) Accounting information
(vii) I/O status information
- What are the operations on process?
(i) create a process
(ii) destroy a process
(iii) suspend a process
(iv) resume a process
(v) change the priority of a process
(vi) block a process
(vii) wakeup a process
(viii) dispatch a process
(ix) enable a process to communicate with another
- What are the operation involved in creating a process?
(i) name the process
(ii) insert it in the system’s known processes list(or) process table.
(iii) Determine the process’s initial priority
(iv) Create the process control block
(v) Allocate the process’s initial resource.
- What is the nucleus or kernel of an operating system?
Kernel is the part of the OS which directly makes interface with the
Hardware system.
- What are the main functions of the kernel?
To provide mechanism for
(i) creation and deletion of processes
(ii) inter process communication
(iii) synchronization of processes.
- What are the components of an OS?
OS which is a collection of programs are of 2 types
(i) control program
(ii) supervisory program
- What is multi programming?
The ability of keeping several jobs in the memory at one time, where
The cpu is switched back and forth among them is called as
Multi programming
- What is the use of Multi Programming ?
Multi programming helps to increase CPU utilization, and to decrease the
total time needed to execute the jobs.
- Illustrate the factors that usually determine the degree of Multi Programming
(MSU: Nov-96)
(i) The number of Programs residing in Primary memory.
(ii) Passing of the control of the CPU rapidly between these programs.
(iii) Protection of user process from one another.
24.What are the Benefits of Multi Programming?
(i) Improves the System Performance.
(ii) Allows Time Sharing.
(iii) Supports multiple simultaneous interactive users
25. Explain what is Multi Processing?
The Simultaneous Processing of a number of Processes by a number of Processors Simultaneously at the same time is Multi Processing.
26. What is the advantage of Multi Processing Systems?
A Multi Processing System is one in which there are more than one CPU, interleaved with each other. So it helps in improving the amount of work done.
27. What are the types of Multi Processing?
(i) Symmetric Multi Processing
(ii) Asymmetric Multi Processing.
28. What is Symmetric Multi Processing?
It is one in which each processor runs an identical copy of the OS and these copies communicate with one another as needed.
29. What is Asymmetric Multi Processing?
It is one in which each processor is assigned a specific task. A Master Processor controls the system and the other Processors are allocated work by the Master Processor.
30.what is Time Sharing?
Time Sharing ( or Multi tasking) is a logical extension of Multi Programming. It is a form of Multi Programmed OS which operates in an interactive mode with Quick response time.
31.Explain the concept of Time Sharing?
Multiple Jobs are executed by the CPU switching between them, but the switches occur so frequently that the users may interact with each program while it is running.
32. What is the benefit of Time Sharing?
A Time Sharing system allows many users to simultaneously share the computer resources.
33.Define Real Time Systems (BDU: AP –96 )
It is another form of OS which are used in environments where a large number of events mostly external to the computer system must be accepted and processed in a short time or within certain deadlines.
34. Give examples of Real Time Application
Ex’s are
(i) Flight Control
(ii) Real Time Simulation
(iii) Military Application
(iv) Petroleum Refinery
(v) Process Control etc.
35. What is On-Line Processing?
Transferring the contents from the input directly on to the CPU and transferring the Processed contents onto the printer is On-Line Processing.
37. Explain Off-Line Processing ?
Rather than the CPU reading directly from the input, copying the content into CPU AND PROCESS.
- What is Memory?
A Memory is the place for storage of data & information (or) it can be Defined as the work area of the computer where the microprocessor finds its data & instructions while the computer is working.
- State the Memory Hierarchy :
Cache Memory
Main Memory
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Secondary Memory
- What are the types of memory?
i) Internal Processor Memory
ii) Primary or Main Memory
iii) Secondary/Auxiliary/Backing Store are the types of memory.
- What is primary memory?
This memory is directly accessible by the processor. It is mainly based on the Integrated circuits.
- What is Storage organization?
Storage organization is the manner in which the main storage is viewed. Whether only a single user is placed in the main storage or several user in the same time and how they are supported by the systems.
- What is storage management?
Storage management determine how a particular storage organization performs under various policies.
- How are the system implemented?
System are implemented using each of the storage management strategies
- What are the various management strategies?
The various management strategies are
i) Fetch strategies
ii) Placement strategies
iii) Replacement strategies
- What is contiguous storage allocation?
The earliest computing system required contiguous storage allocation, where each program had to occupy a single contiguous block of storage locations.
- What is Non-Contiguous storage allocation?
In the Non-Contiguous allocation of storage, a program is divided into several blocks or segments that may be placed throughout storage in pieces, not necessarily adjacent to one another.
- List the advantages and disadvantages of Non-Contiguous storage allocation :
Advantages: A program is divided into several block or segment that may be placed throughout the main storage in pieces not necessarily adjacent to one another.
Disadvantages: More difficult for an operating system to control Non-Contiguous storage allocation.
- What is memory management ?
Memory management deals with the organization and management of main memory, which is one of the most important factors influencing operating system design.
- What is memory allocation?
Memory allocation is primarily concerned with the allocating of main memory of waited capacity to requesting processes.
- Why is memory management so important?
The overall resource utilization and other performance criteria of a computer system are largely affected by the performance of memory management module.
- What are the important features of memory management function?
The important features of memory management are
i) Protection ii) sharing.
- What is meant by protection?
In order to protect one process from another their address space must be spared by memory management scheme.
- What is the sharing aspect of memory management?
Memory management must support sharing of common data or data structure such as symbol table, compilers or assemblers.
- What is fixed partition multi programming?
Fixed partition multi programming is one in which the main storage is divided into a number of fixed size partitions. Each partition could hold a single job. The CPU is switched rapidly between users to create the illusion of simultanienty.
- What is Variable partition multi programming?
Allowing jobs to occupy as much space (Short of the full real storage) as they need with no fixed boundaries being observed. Instead, jobs would be given as much storage as they require. This is called variable partition multi programming.
- What is the disadvantage of fixed partitions?
i) No single program/process may exceed the of the largest partition in a given system.
ii) Does not support a system having dynamic data structure such as stack, queue, heap etc.
- Why fixed partition is not suitable for multi programming?
It limits the degree of multi programming which in turn may reduce the effectiveness of short term scheduling.
- What is the advantage of variable partitions?
Supports processes whose memory requirement increases during their execution. In this case the OS disadvantages moves a process into it.
- What are the disadvantages of various partitions?
i) Requires lost of OS space-time, complex memory management algorithm and book keeping operation.
ii) Compaction time is very high.
iii) Given rise to external fragmentation.
- What is swapping?
A process needs to be in memory for execution. A process however can be brought or temporarily taken out of memory to a backing store and then brought back into memory for continued execution. This is known as swapping.
- What are the benefits of swapping?
Swapping helps in running more jobs by CPU, by keeping only those programs in memory, which are currently required by the system, and the rest to be swapped from secondary storage. This scheme allows more jobs to be run that can fie into memory at one time.
1. Define operating system
An operating system is a set of program that controls, co-ordinates and supervises the activities of the computer hardware and software.
2. What is the role of an os?
An OS acts as an interface between the user and the computer. It acts as
The manager of the resources of the computer.
3. Write the functions of an ?
(i) Memory Management.
(ii) Processor management.
(iii) Interrupt Handling.
(iv) Accounting.
(v) Automatic job sequencing.
(vi) Management and control of I/O devices
- What is the need for an OS?
A medium is needed to communicate between the user and the m/c. An
OS acts as a medium of interface
- What are the characteristics of an OS?
(i) User friendly .
(ii) Keep track of the status of eaCH RESOURCE.
(iii) Allows sharing of resources(H/W and S/W).
(iv) Provides adequate security.
(v) Protection.
- What is a process?
A process is basically a program in execution. It is the unit of work in a
Modern operating system.
- What is meant by a process state?
When a process executes, it changes, its status. This is known as process s
- Wat are the various process states ?
The various process states are
(i) new
(ii) ready
(iii) running
(iv) suspended
(v) terminated
- How does a process differ from a job?
A process is an active entity with a program counter specifying the next instructions to execute and a set to associated resources, whereas a batch
System executes jobs.(which is a collection of processes).
- Differentiate program and a process?
A process is a program in execution(ie) A program is a passive entity,
Where as a process is an active entity.
- What is process control Block?
Each process is represented in the operating system by a process control
Block(PCB) also called a task control block.
- What is the function of a process control block>
A (PCB) contains many pieces of information associated with a specific
Process. It serves as the repository for any information that may vary
From process to process.
- What are the information contained in a PCB?
A PCB contains pieces of information associated with a specific process,
(viii) process state
(ix) program counter
(x) CPU register
(xi) CPU scheduling information
(xii) Memory management information
(xiii) Accounting information
(xiv) I/O status information
- What are the operations on process?
(i) create a process
(ii) destroy a process
(iii) suspend a process
(iv) resume a process
(v) change the priority of a process
(vi) block a process
(vii) wakeup a process
(viii) dispatch a process
(ix) enable a process to communicate with another
- What are the operation involved in creating a process?
(i) name the process
(ii) insert it in the system’s known processes list(or) process table.
(iii) Determine the process’s initial priority
(iv) Create the process control block
(v) Allocate the process’s initial resource.
- What is the nucleus or kernel of an operating system?
Kernel is the part of the OS which directly makes interface with the
Hardware system.
- What are the main functions of the kernel?
To provide mechanism for
(i) creation and deletion of processes
(ii) inter process communication
(iii) synchronization of processes.
- What are the components of an OS?
OS which is a collection of programs are of 2 types
(i) control program
(ii) supervisory program
- What is multi programming?
The ability of keeping several jobs in the memory at one time, where
The cpu is switched back and forth among them is called as
Multi programming
- What is the use of Multi Programming ?
Multi programming helps to increase CPU utilization, and to decrease the
total time needed to execute the jobs.
- Illustrate the factors that usually determine the degree of Multi Programming
(MSU: Nov-96)
(iv) The number of Programs residing in Primary memory.
(v) Passing of the control of the CPU rapidly between these programs.
(vi) Protection of user process from one another.
24.What are the Benefits of Multi Programming?
(iv) Improves the System Performance.
(v) Allows Time Sharing.
(vi) Supports multiple simultaneous interactive users
25. Explain what is Multi Processing?
The Simultaneous Processing of a number of Processes by a number of Processors Simultaneously at the same time is Multi Processing.
26. What is the advantage of Multi Processing Systems?
A Multi Processing System is one in which there are more than one CPU, interleaved with each other. So it helps in improving the amount of work done.
27. What are the types of Multi Processing?
(iii) Symmetric Multi Processing
(iv) Asymmetric Multi Processing.
28. What is Symmetric Multi Processing?
It is one in which each processor runs an identical copy of the OS and these copies communicate with one another as needed.
29. What is Asymmetric Multi Processing?
It is one in which each processor is assigned a specific task. A Master Processor controls the system and the other Processors are allocated work by the Master Processor.
30.what is Time Sharing?
Time Sharing ( or Multi tasking) is a logical extension of Multi Programming. It is a form of Multi Programmed OS which operates in an interactive mode with Quick response time.
31.Explain the concept of Time Sharing?
Multiple Jobs are executed by the CPU switching between them, but the switches occur so frequently that the users may interact with each program while it is running.
32. What is the benefit of Time Sharing?
A Time Sharing system allows many users to simultaneously share the computer resources.
33.Define Real Time Systems
It is another form of OS which are used in environments where a large number of events mostly external to the computer system must be accepted and processed in a short time or within certain deadlines.
34. Give examples of Real Time Application
Ex’s are
(vi) Flight Control
(vii) Real Time Simulation
(viii) Military Application
(ix) Petroleum Refinery
(x) Process Control etc.
35. What is On-Line Processing?
Transferring the contents from the input directly on to the CPU and transferring the Processed contents onto the printer is On-Line Processing.
37. Explain Off-Line Processing ?
Rather than the CPU reading directly from the input, copying the content into CPU AND PROCESS.
1.What is a file ? A File is a named collection of data. 2. Where does a File reside ? A File normally resides on a Secondary Medium such as a disk or tape. 3. What are the various operations on a file? Open Close Create Destroy Copy Rename List 4. What is File Organization ? File Organization refers to the manner in which the records of a file are arranged on Secondary storage. 5. What is File Volatility ? File Volatility refers to the frequency with the manner in which additions and deletions are made to a file. 6. What is file size ? This refers to the amount of information stored in the file. 7. What is a file ? An important component of an operating system. File systems generally contain. I) Access Methods II) File Management III) Auxiliary Storage Management IV) File Integrity Mechanisms. 8. What is file managemnet? File management is concerned with providing the mechanisms for files to be stored Referenced, shared and secured. |