The Dowry System
The dowry system is so deeply rooted in Indian culture
Even modern, well-educated families start saving up money for their daughter'sdowry as soon as she is born, so what can one expect from the uneducated masses.
When demands for dowry are not met, the bride is subject to torture, and often even killed. The reason many parents don't want to send their daughters with out giving dowry.
Dowry is an evil system.
Often the boys parents don't demand dowry, but our culture is such that we feel we must give something to the in-laws. In such cases, give as much as you receive.when out out of your way because you are the parents of the girl, you are contributing to this evil.
Come festivals like Diwali or Holi, and the parents of the daughter flood her in-laws with gifts. If gifts are expected - your daughter is married into the wrong family.
If such giving is self-inflicted, you're making a mistake. Give a token present to your daughter. If you want to give her something more, do so, but don't feel pressured to give anything more than you receive to her in-laws. You don't need to if your daughter is happily married and has a supportive husband - so DON'T.