Sunday, 4 December 2011

SQL - Assignments 3


Table Format

Following are the tables used in the examples and there records.

1)      EMPLOYEE

Name                                  Null?                   Type
 ------------------------------- --------                  ----
 EMPNO                            NOT NULL       NUMBER(4)
 ENAME                                                      VARCHAR2(10)
 JOB                                                                VARCHAR2(9)
 MGR                                                              NUMBER(4)
 HIREDATE                                                DATE
 SAL                                                             NUMBER(7,2)
 COMM                                                       NUMBER(7,2)
 DEPTNO                                                    NUMBER(2)

EMPNO ENAME      JOB             MGR    HIREDATE     SAL      COMM    DEPTNO                   
--------- ----------        ---------        ---------   ---------            --------- ---------      ---------                   
7369      SMITH       CLERK           7902    17-DEC-80       800                       20                   
7499      ALLEN      SALESMAN   7698    20-FEB-81      1600       300         30                   
7521     WARD       SALESMAN    7698    22-FEB-81      1250       500        30                   
7566     JONES       MANAGER      7839    02-APR-81     2975                     20                   
7654     MARTIN   SALESMAN     7698    28-SEP-81      1250      1400       30                   
7698     BLAKE      MANAGER      7839    01-MAY-81    2850                    30                   
7782     CLARK      MANAGER      7839    09-JUN-81      2450                    10                   
7788     SCOTT      ANALYST         7566    09-DEC-82     3000                    20                   
7839     KING         PRESIDENT                 17-NOV-81     5000                    10                   
7844    TURNER    SALESMAN     7698    08-SEP-81      1500         0          30                    
7876    ADAMS      CLERK             7788    12-JAN-83      1100                    20                   
7900    JAMES        CLERK             7698    03-DEC-81       950                    30                   
7902    FORD         ANALYST        7566    03-DEC-81      3000                   20                   
7934    MILLER     CLERK             7782    23-JAN-82      1300                   10


Name                                 Null?    Type
 ------------------------------- --------    ----
 DEPTNO                                       NUMBER(2)
 DNAME                                        VARCHAR2(14)
 LOC                                              VARCHAR2(13)

DEPTNO   DNAME                LOC                                                                        
---------       --------------          -------------                                                             
       10       ACCOUNTING    NEW YORK                                                                   
       20       RESEARCH          DALLAS                                                                    
       30      SALES                    CHICAGO                                                                   
       40      OPERATIONS       BOSTON

NOTE : The tables given above are the two basic tables used as an example        throughout this book. In ORACLE these tables are present by the name of EMP and DEPT by default . Students are expected to create these tables in order to be familiar with the CREATE and INSERT statement.